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Thank YOU, Editorial Empress Ann, for founding the Cafe. Your seminal role as talent recruiter and stalwart supporter gave us simple writers a megaphone. Your consistently constructive critical judgment, keen eye for quality and your ability to simultaneously juggle a consulting business practice along with pro bono publications for the Total Rewards profession made our job easy. No one could have done it better!

The rest of your awesome leadership qualities should be added by others similarly honored to serve at your breakfast table. I personally am awed to be included among those great names you listed. Some I knew long ago and others became friends and co-collaborators via this remarkable Cafe.

Thanks a million!

Sad news, but I guess all good things must come to an end eventually. I can't actually remember when I first became aware of the Compensation Cafe and became a committed "follower". I do recall that it was somewhere in 2014 when I got my big break - and made my debut as a content guest contributor.

About two dozen guest articles followed over the next 4-5 years - an experience which was quite rewarding and definitely helped me refine my professional writing skills.

The biggest lesson I learned was that entering the "rotation" as a regular contributor was not for me . . . because creative writing on a schedule - is hard work. Therefore, I salute the incredible work of all of the regular contributors over the years. Last (but not least) a huge standing ovation goes to Founder/Editor, Ann Bares. Keeping everything on-track, five days a week, for many, many years, with enviable content - is probably best personified by a mash-up of the two phrases, "doing yeoman's work" and "herding cats" (the latter of which applied particularly well to me). Well, nice work and thanks a million - to all.

This is such sad news but I understand that all good things eventually come to an end. I've been reading this blog since 2011. All of the contributors have provided helpful and relevant content which has helped me over the years. This year, as I created content for several manager trainings, I referred back to your content for inspiration. Thank you so much to all of the contributors. I am so glad the site will remain available. Best wishes to all.

Creative writing on a schedule IS truly hard work. Especially for those with a focus on compensation type topics and work. That's heavy left and right side of the brain! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for keeping this going for so long, Ann (and all of the long-time contributors). The Café will be greatly missed but looking forward to what Dan and new team develop. All the best and happy 2022.

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