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I have always thought that the 'secret sauce' of performance feedback was how accurate the feedback was about concrete performance issues and what the performance feedback 'giver' provided to the person who's performance was to be reviewed could do to improve on any 'negatives' uncovered. The accuracy of the feedback and the 'help' provided seems supported in the research as well.

If the reviewer feels it is important to 'tilt' the feedback to positive, perhaps this could 'muddy up' the accuracy of the coaching experience. Help me with this one somebody.

Well, Jay, I expect that giving relatively constant frequent periodic positive feedback would not be counterbalanced by a remedial action plan focused on two or three specific items needing improvement. Praising good stuff doesn't preclude correction of serious negatives. Of course, must beware of the "oreo approach" (a quick thin negative carefully hidden between heavy layers of two positives), lest performers miss the point.

Someone else may have different ideas...

Thanks, Jim. Looks like the posts are coming down faster and faster.

I am going to 'drop away' and not comment going forward. I can't keep up with the 'mile-a-minute' posting changes.

FAR too old a fart these days. Goodbye.

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