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Good summary of universally appropriate positive reinforcement tactics, Derek. Particularly like the infrequently noted caveat in the 5-tips link against excessive external public identifications of your key players and top performers, in order to minimize the ability of competitors or headhunters to target them and recruit them away. But that's a different and interesting separate topic for discussion elsewhere.

Praise certificates, "attaboy" checkbooks or reinforcement tickets (names vary) for peer-level distribution with copies submitted for celebratory Big Prize drawings have been around forever, but great ideas never die. Those who don't reinforce positive performance frequently and in as many ways as possible neglect their chances to promote excellence.

Actually, P2P recognition is a no-brainer. I am surprised as to why so few organizations (both big and small) use this. Yes, there might be a few concerns about it's misuse but checks and balances in place keep it running well.

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